base sth on sth

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base sth on sth

2024-07-13 06:32:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal TranslationsInglésEspañol base n (bottom support)base nf  The floor lamp has a large round base.  La lámpara de pie tiene una base redonda. base n (building foundation)cimiento nm  The base of the house is solid concrete.  El cimiento de la casa está hecho de hormigón sólido. base n (basis)base nf  The Bible provides the base for most Christian beliefs.  La Biblia brinda la base para la mayoría de las creencias cristianas. base n (main ingredient)base nf  The sauce has a tomato base.  La base de la salsa es el tomate. base n (military: facility)base militar nf + adj   base nf  The United States Navy has a base in San Diego.  Hay una base militar de la Marina de los EE.UU. en San Diego. base n (starting point)referencia nf  We used the tree as the base, and measured everything from there.  Tomamos el árbol como referencia y, desde aquí, tomamos las medidas. base n (foot: of mountain or tree)pie nm  They run a small chalet resort at the base of the mountain.  Ellos manejan un chalet turístico al pie de la montaña. base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep often passive (use as evidence)fundamentarse en v prnl + prep   basarse en v prnl + prep Note: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "My opinion is based on facts, not rumor." She based her conclusion on close examination of the evidence.  Mi opinión se fundamenta en hechos, no en rumores. base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep (adapt from)basar en vtr + prep Note: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "The movie is based on a true story." They will base the film on a short story written by Mark Twain.  Van a basar la película en un cuento corto de Mark Twain.   Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement. Additional TranslationsInglésEspañol base adj (dishonourable, low)vulgar adj  His base comments offended the women.  Sus comentarios vulgares ofendieron a la mujer. base n (baseball: home, first, etc.) (béisbol)base nf  The runner passed second base and headed to third.  El jugador pasó a la segunda base y siguió en dirección a la tercera. base n (chemical compound) (química)base nf  This liquid is a base, and not acidic.  Este líquido es base, no ácido. base n as adj (forming the base)base nf  First you need to put on a base coat of paint.  Primero tienes que aplicar una base de pintura. base [sb]⇒ vtr usually passive (station)tener base en loc verb  He is based in New York, but travels all over the US.  Tiene su base en Nueva York, pero viaja por todos los Estados Unidos.   Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Locuciones verbalesInglésEspañol base jump vi phrasal (extreme sport) (deportes)practicar salto BASE loc verb   Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:InglésEspañol air base, airbase n (military aircraft station)base aérea loc nom f army base n (military facility)base militar nf  There is a large US army base on the island of Okinawa, Japan.  Hay una gran base militar americana en la isla de Okinawa, Japón. at the base of prep (at the bottom of)al pie de loc adv  We'll meet at the base of the volcano and hike up together.  Nos encontraremos al pie del volcán y ascenderemos juntos.   en las faldas de loc adv  Nos encontraremos en las faldas del volcán y ascenderemos juntos. base cabinet n (low storage cupboard)mueble bajo loc nom m  En nuestra cocina, las ollas y sartenes están en los muebles bajos y la comida en los muebles altos situados arriba del banco.   (AR)mueble bajomesada loc nom m  En nuestra cocina, las ollas y sartenes están en el mueble bajomesada y la comida en los muebles altos situados arriba del banco. base camp n (mountaineers' shelter) (ES)campamento base loc nom m  My daughter is no mountain climber, but she's trekking as far as the Everest base camp. base exchange n US (store on military base)economato de la base loc nom m   comisaría de la base loc nom f base fee n UK (law: inherited property) (precio)tarifa de base nf + loc adj   tasa de base nf + loc adj   cuota básica nf + adj base hit n (type of baseball hit) (voz inglesa)hit nm   (MX, CU)jit nm   (AmL)imparable nm  The batter got a base hit and the runner scored easily.  El bateador logró un hit y el corredor anotó con facilidad. base jump n (sport: jump from fixed structure) (deportes)salto BASE loc nom m base level n (river's lowest point) (río)nivel de base loc nom m base level n (lowest point)nivel inferior nm base load UK (electronics)carga base nf + adj inv base map (basic map)mapa base nf + adj inv   mapa de base nf + loc adj base metal n (non-precious metal)metal común nm + adj  It was a cheap base metal but the gold plating made it look expensive. base of operations n (military installation)base de operaciones loc nom f  The Allies moved their base of operations from England to the coast of Normandy.  Los aliados mudaron su base de operaciones de Inglaterra a la costa de Normandía. base of operations n (business headquarters)sede central nf + adj   base de operaciones loc nom f  The Hong Kong offices currently serve as the company's base of operations for global activities.  Las oficinas de Hong Kong son actualmente la sede central para actividades globales. base on balls n (baseball: walk awarded)base por bolas loc nom f  The pitcher gave a base on balls. base pay n (basic salary)salario base nm + adj   (coloquial)pago base nm + adj   sueldo base nm + adj  The base pay for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased.  El salario base en este empleo es bajo, pero a medida que ganes experiencia tu salario aumentará. base payment n (law: salary without benefits)sueldo base nm + adj base plate, baseplate n (metal sheet supporting [sth])placa de base nf + loc adj  The base plate is attached to the machine with four screws.  La placa de base está ajustada a la máquina con cuatro tornillos. base price n (cost before extras)precio base nm + adj  The base price is $20,000; if you want a stereo or air conditioning, that will be extra.  El precio base es de $20.000, si quieres estéreo o aire acondicionado eso sería adicional. base rate n (interest rate: to set lending rate)tipo base nm + adj  Banks use the base rate as their starting point when deciding on individual lending rates.  El tipo base en Estados Unidos es actualmente 3,25 %.   tasa de referencia nf + loc adj  La tasa de referencia en Estados Unidos es actualmente 3,25 %. base rate n (wages: rate of pay per unit of time or piece) (AR)sueldo básico nm + adj  Los adicionales suelen calcularse como porcentajes del sueldo básico. Por ejemplo: el adicional por antigüedad es de un dos por ciento del básico, por cada año de servicio. base rate n UK (interest rate: Bank of England)tasa de interés nf + loc adj  The Bank of England set the base rate at 0.5 per cent.  El Banco de Inglaterra fijó la tasa de interés en un 0,5 %. base runner n (baseball) (béisbol)corredor de base, corredora de base nm, nf + loc adj base running, baserunning n (baseball: running around the bases)corrida de base loc nom f base-running, baserunning n as adj (relating to base running)de la corrida de base loc adj base salary n (basic pay level)salario base nm + adj  Inexperienced workers entering this firm are paid the base salary. base station (broadcasting)estación base nf + adj inv base unit (physics)unidad básica nf + adj base wage n (basic pay level)sueldo base nm + adj   paga base nf + adj  The base wage for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased. baseline, base line n (standard, guideline)referencia nf   punto de referencia nm + loc adj   punto de partida nm + loc adj   estándar nm  These sales figures will be used as the baseline for the company's success in future years.  Estas cifras de ventas servirán de referencia para el éxito de la compañía en los próximos años. baseline, base line n (baseball: line between bases)línea de base nf + loc adj baseline, base line n (tennis court marking)línea de fondo nf + loc adj  The player serves from just behind the baseline. baseline, base-line n as adj (standard)estándar adj mf   básico/a adj   de serie loc adj  The machine monitors any deviation from the patient's baseline heart rate.  La máquina monitoriza cualquier desviación del ritmo cardíaco estándar del paciente. bed base n (support for mattress)base de colchón nf + loc adj BX n US, initialism (base exchange)economato de la base loc nom m   comisaría de la base loc nom f customer base n (group of clients or consumers)clientela nf  The home improvement store expanded its customer base when it added a new garden center.  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Nos va muy bien, este año nuestra clientela se duplicó. database, data base n (data bank, collection of data)base de datos loc nom f  Police are compiling a database of crime locations.  La policía está armando una base de datos con las zonas criminales. database, data base n (computing: searchable data)base de datos loc nom f  The database contained four records with that name.  La base de datos tenía cuatro registros con ese nombre. double, two-base hit n (baseball)doble nm  The batter hit a double.  El bateador anotó un doble. first base n (baseball: first station)primera base adj + nf  Baseball is so dull that I fall asleep before anyone gets to first base. first base n slang (kissing on a date) (figurado, coloquial)llegar a primera base loc verb  He thought the date was going well, but in the end he didn't even make it to first base.  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. A pesar de que la chica era muy tímida logró llegar a primera base y robarle un beso.   (ES, coloquial)morreo nm  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Juan pensó que la chica era fácil, pero a la hora de la verdad no sacó ni un morreo.   (CH, coloquial)atraque nm get to first base v expr US, figurative, informal (succeed in the initial phase of [sth])superar el primer reto loc verb   superar la primera fase loc verb get to first base v expr US, figurative, informal (engage in kissing)besar⇒ vtr home base, home plate n (baseball: home plate) (béisbol)home nm  A pitcher must throw the ball over home base for it to be declared a 'strike'. home base n (headquarters, center of action)sede central, casa central nf + adj mf home base n (games: destination, objective)meta nf   objetivo nm  In this game, home base is a large yellow square at the center of the board. home plate n (baseball: batter's station) (anglicismo)home nm  A pitcher must throw the ball over home plate for it to be declared a "strike.".   (anglicismo)home plate loc nom m Note: No se traduce en Españamilitary base n (army facility)base militar nf + adj  My aunt's a civilian worker on a military base.  Mi tía es trabajadora civil en una base militar. naval base n (military stronghold)base naval nf + adj off base, off-base adj (mistaken)equivocado/a adj pastry base n (bottom of a pie)base de tarta nf + loc adj   corteza de tarta nf + loc adj plate, home plate, home base n (baseball)plato nm  The runner slid into the plate to score the winning run.  El base meta aterrizó sobre el plato para apuntarse la carrera. power base (source of authority)base de poder nf + loc adj   fuente de autoridad nf + loc adj second base n (baseball: first corner) (deporte)segunda base adj + nf  The batter was able to reach second base safely. second base n US, slang, euphemism (fondling [sb]'s breasts) (CL, eufemismo: contacto físico)grado dos loc nom m  How long did it take for you to reach second base with your girlfriend? tax base n (resources subject to taxation)base imponible loc nom f  Our tax base has dwindled since the hurricane.  Nuestra base imponible decayó desde el huracán. third base n (baseball: last of three bases that must be touched by runner) (béisbol)tercera base adj + nf  The player made it to third base.  El jugador llegó a tercera base. touch base, touch bases vtr + n US, figurative, informal (make contact)ponerse en contacto loc verb   establecer contacto loc verb  We'll touch base when you've finished the first task.  Nos pondremos en contacto cuando hayas terminado la tarea. touch base with [sb], touch bases v expr US, figurative, informal (make contact with [sb])ponerse en contacto con loc verb   llamar a loc verb   (ES, informal)dar un toque a loc verb   (AmL, informal)tocar base con loc verb  Touch base with me in a few weeks so I can see how the project's coming along.  Ponte en contacto conmigo en unas semanas para poder ver cómo avanza el proyecto. triple, three-base hit n (baseball)triple nm  The crowd cheered when the batter hit a triple.   Is something important missing? 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